Charles A. “Buck” Rowe
Arizona Aviation Hall of Fame
Enshrined 1998
Charles A. “Buck” Rowe is Naval Aviator #736. During World War I Naval combat, he flew night bombing missions against German submarines and ships and other targets of opportunity from airfields in France. In 1921, he participated in tests of aerial bombing of Navy combat ships and also helped develop early procedures for landing aircraft on the deck of an aircraft carrier. In 1924, Buck served as Chief Pilot, Cuba America Airlines. From 1928-1937 Buck was one of the early aeronautics Inspectors in the Aeronautics Branch, US Department of Commerce. He was promoted to supervisor for the US Southwest Region.

As Supervisor in the Western area, Buck approved the airworthiness for such aircraft as the Douglas DC-l, the DC-2, and the Boeing B-247. From 1937-1961, he represented the Gulf Oil Company to Aviation installations in the Southwest USA. Buck is a founding member of The Order of Daedalians. From the fragile biplanes of yesteryear to today’s high-performance jets, Buck Rowe has seen it all….AND HAS DONE MOST OF IT!!!