Night Wings
This summer you can experience select evenings at the museum when our airplanes feel more mystical than metallic. Catch a Stratofortress sunset silhouette, a starlit Starlifter, and Fighting Falcons raging against the dying light. Plus, themed activities, discounted admission, and kids are free! Purchase tickets upon arrival.
Dates: 6/15, 6/29, 7/13, and 7/27
Time: 5:00-8:30pm
Cost: Kids ages 12 and under are free, ages 13+ are $10
Location: 6000 E Valencia Rd, Tucson, AZ 85756
Please note, discounted admission begins at 5pm. All hangars and the grounds will be open but only Hangar 1 is open till 8:30. We will close the outer hangars and grounds at 8pm.

Nightly Themes:
- July 27 – Photography and Art Night
- Center for Astrophysics (Harvard-Smithsonian)
- Tucson Airport Authority Police Department
- 520FPV Drones (drone races)
- Artists
- Michelle Rouch
- Jim Scotti
- Hands on activities for kids for 7/27
- Aircraft Nose Art
- Wind Tunnel
- Scavenger Hunt
Past Event Photos




