Fred J. Cone
Arizona Aviation Hall of Fame
Enshrined 2007
Fred Cone was born on July 20, 1933, in St. Joseph, MO. He attended the University of New Mexico on a Naval ROTC scholarship where he received a degree in Civil Engineering. Fred earned his commission in the United States Marine Corps in 1956 and earned his Aviator’s wings in June 1958. During his military career, Fred flew a total of 21 different types of aircraft and amassed over 8600 flight hours, including 1000 hours of combat flying. Fred was instrumental in introducing the A-6 Intruder and the OV-10 Bronco into Marine service.
He commanded 7 different units during his career and served as the Chief of Staff of the Second Marine Air Wing while reaching the rank of Colonel. In 1986 Fred was tasked with creating the Naval ROTC program at The University of Arizona. Over a 2-year period, he built it from 1 to nearly 200 members. His military awards include; the Navy Cross, Legion of Merit, Distinguished Flying Cross, the Air Medal, and the Navy Commendation Medal.

After his retirement from the military, Fred added a Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering from The University of Arizona to earlier degrees in Aeronautical Engineering and an MBA. He is employed as a professor in the Air Science Department at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott, Arizona. During this time he has worked as a coach of the school’s Flight Team and led them to the National Championship of the National Intercollegiate Flying Association (FIFA) on 3 occasions.